Campaign for People’s Goals toolkit now available

Valuable resource for people’s organizations
The global process to define next-generation global development goals is in full swing, and people around the world need to have their voices heard. This toolkit is a contribution by the Campaign for People’s Goals to organizations seeking to participate and build campaigns around the issue.
The toolkit is a resource designed for organizations working closely with poor and marginalized communities for real, substantive and sustainable solutions. It describes the ongoing process on post-2015/sustainable development goals. It elaborates a set of ten aspirational goals and corresponding demands that comprise the Campaign’s agenda. And it offers suggestions on how people’s organizations can, individually or jointly, mobilize on this issue.
How to get a copy
The toolkit is free and can be downloaded from the People’s Goals website, Resources section. It can be printed on Letter Size (8.5" x 11") paper.
About the Campaign for People’s Goals
The Campaign for People’s Goals for Sustainable Development is comprised of a network of grassroots organizations, labor unions, social movements, non-governmental organizations and other institutions committed to forging new pathways to the future we want. The Campaign for People’s Goals serves as a platform to challenge governments, and the broader multilateral system to commit to real reforms that address the demands of the poor and marginalized under ten major thematic concerns.
While engaged with the official processes on post-2015 and SDGs, the Campaign is not intended merely to feed into the UN- or government-led consultations. This is an independent civil society process of raising awareness about the need for system change, formulating and fighting for people’s goals and demands, linking with grassroots struggles, and claiming the right of civil society to full and effective participation as equal stakeholders in negotiations, agreements and implementation of policies related to development.
IBON International is a member of the Campaign for People’s Goals network. #