Publications & Other Resources

IBON International regularly generates publications such as primers, policy papers and positions, and other information products as a major contribution to knowledge building and raising awareness on contemporary development issues, especially in major areas of IBON’s advocacy.

Our publications, and other information resources as well, are regularly posted here, either as files for readers to browse through or download directly or as embedded links to other sites where they are also available.

Annual Report 2022
1 92 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 5, 2024
Decoding the World Bank’s SPLIT Project in the Philippines: Resisting Agrarian Injustice
1 119 downloads
Primers December 13, 2023
Decolonize to Decarbonize: Our Call to Action for Climate Justice at COP28
1 72 downloads
Primers November 23, 2023
Strategic Plan 2021-2025: Midterm Review Adjustments
1 13 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan July 2, 2024
Primer on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity
1 236 downloads
Primers December 12, 2023
International Situation 2023: Recession, rivalry, resistance
1 186 downloads
I3D Materials June 6, 2023
From the Ground Up: Building Collective Strength, Fighting for Climate Justice
1 280 downloads
Books March 29, 2023
Trajectories of Climate Justice: Charting the Path of People-Powered Climate Action
1 975 downloads
Books April 27, 2023
Climate Justice Advocacy Toolkit
1 399 downloads
Books December 20, 2022
Confronting the Climate Crisis: People-Powered Climate Actions from the Global South
1 290 downloads
Books December 20, 2022
The IMF-WBG’s crisis response, responsibility for crises
1 275 downloads
Primers October 15, 2022
Annual Report 2021
2 258 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan September 16, 2022
WTO “Reform” in an Anti-Development Direction: Entrenching Corporate Control of the Global Economy
1 431 downloads
Primers June 14, 2022
Scramble for Africa: A Campaign Primer on the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement
2 947 downloads
Primers May 17, 2022
Annual Report 2020
1 313 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan December 19, 2021
The IMF-WBG: A blight on people’s economic plight amid crises
1 386 downloads
Primers October 3, 2021
Spreading State Terror under the pandemic and Terror Law
1 817 downloads
Books March 2, 2021
UPDATED / A Quick Guide on Security for Human Rights Defenders
1 807 downloads
Books February 26, 2021
Strategic Plan 2021 - 2025 Advancing People-Powered Democracy
1 272 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 10, 2021
Module on Sustainable Consumption and Production
1 135 downloads
Modules June 1, 2022
Annual Report 2019
1 480 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan December 12, 2020
International Situation 2019-2020: New Crises, Stronger Resistance
1 289 downloads
I3D Materials October 31, 2020
Rights for Sustainability: Community-led Practices on People-Powered Consumption and Production
1 698 downloads
Books April 22, 2020
Sumitomo Group: Risking public interest for superprofit
1 154 downloads
TNC Watch March 12, 2020
A Quick Guide on Security for Human Rights Defenders
1 556 downloads
Books March 4, 2020
Module on Managing International People’s Networks
1 127 downloads
Modules February 18, 2020
IPE Journals (October 2019)
1 243 downloads
IPE Materials February 18, 2020
Repression & Impunity: Continuing attacks on people’s rights in the Philippines
1 418 downloads
Books February 18, 2020
Modules on the Crisis of Neoliberal Globalization and the Way Out
1 316 downloads
Modules August 22, 2020
People-powered sustainable consumption: A visioning & mapping study
1 481 downloads
Books May 4, 2020
Lockheed Martin: Locking Profit, Marauding Nations
1 64 downloads
TNC Watch April 18, 2020
Enhancing the Implementation of the IBON International Strategic Plan 2016-2020
1 110 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
The Boeing Company: Raking superprofit from perpetual wars
1 75 downloads
TNC Watch February 18, 2020
Annual Report 2018
1 155 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan March 13, 2020
International Situation 2018: Simmering crisis, rising inequalities amid corporate concentration
1 296 downloads
I3D Materials March 26, 2020
Chevron: A Corporation of Toxic Proportions
1 79 downloads
TNC Watch February 18, 2020
Bicentenary of Karl Marx
1 136 downloads
IPE Materials February 18, 2020
Duterte Killings Continue: State Terror and Human Rights in the Philippines
1 404 downloads
Books February 18, 2020
State Terror and Tyranny in the Philippines
1 460 downloads
Books February 18, 2020
Annual Report 2017
1 89 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
Golden opportunities for profits, corporate plunder for OceanaGold Corporation
1 59 downloads
TNC Watch February 18, 2020
Lenin’s ‘Imperialism’ in the 21st Century
3 1479 downloads
IPE Materials February 18, 2020
IPE Journals (December 2017)
1 74 downloads
IPE Materials February 18, 2020
Stacking Up the Odds: Reflections on Climate Action
1 324 downloads
Books February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
1 376 downloads
Primers September 6, 2022
Annual Report 2016
1 71 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
Crisis Extended: 2017 Report on the International Situation
1 147 downloads
I3D Materials February 18, 2020
Asserting and Defending People’s Rights, Exercising People’s Sovereignty
1 362 downloads
Books February 18, 2020
1 65 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
IBON International Strategic Plan 2016-2020
1 186 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan August 24, 2020
[People Over Profit] Primers on Free Trade Agreements: RCEP, TPPA and EPAs
0 117 downloads
Primers April 30, 2020
IBON Primer on 21st Century Free Trade Agreements
1 250 downloads
Primers April 30, 2020
IBON Primer on South-South Cooperation
3 163 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
Annual Report 2014
2 69 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on a New Climate Protocol
3 300 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on a New Climate Protocol
2 120 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on System Change
3 279 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
Primer on the Climate Crisis: Roots and Solutions
2 249 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on the WTO ‘Bali Package’
1 169 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IPE Journals (August 2011)
1 170 downloads
IPE Materials February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on Food Sovereignty and the Food Crisis
2 246 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
Primer on Climate Change
1 250 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
Primer on ODA and Development Effectiveness
1 131 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
Primer on Aid and Development Effectiveness: At a Crossroads at Busan?
2 237 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on Climate Finance
1 151 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20)
1 136 downloads
Primers February 19, 2020
Primer on Development and Aid Effectiveness
1 172 downloads
Primers February 19, 2020
The Private Sector in Development: Privatization of Development cooperation?
2 170 downloads
Primers February 19, 2020
Annual Report 2013
1 62 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
Prospects for the Global Crisis: 2013 Report on the International Situation
1 49 downloads
I3D Materials February 19, 2020
Upcoming konfrontasi in Bali: Will the world accept a new WTO deal? (July-August 2013)
1 19 downloads
EDM Materials February 19, 2020
In Defense of People’s Rights (March-June 2013)
0 4 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Africa Rising: Growth for Whom? (January-February 2013)
1 19 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
COP18: Gateway to more Climate Injustice (November-December 2012)
1 17 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Feeding the World: Fisherfolk Give Notice (September-October 2012)
0 4 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
The Struggle for Agreement on Climate Change (July-August 2012)
0 3 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Annual Report 2011
1 54 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
Debunking the hype about the ‘Asian Century’ (May-June 2012)
1 12 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Rights for Sustainability (March-April 2012)
1 19 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
TPPA: NAFTA clone for Asia-Pacific? (January-February 2012)
1 15 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Busan HLF-4: Marking a New Era in Development Cooperation? (November-December 2011)
1 115 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Recession and Resistance (September-October 2011)
1 13 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Public-Private Partnerships: Public costs, Private gain (July-August 2011)
1 18 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Whose Green Economy? (May-June 2011)
0 3 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Towards Decent Work for All (March-April 2011)
1 16 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Annual Report 2010
1 68 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
Primer on The G-20: Boon or Bane?
1 205 downloads
Primers October 19, 2022
The Future of Food (January-February 2011)
1 15 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Primer on the Development Effectiveness of Civil Society Organizations
1 113 downloads
Primers November 25, 2019
RIO+20 and the challenge of sustainable development (November-December 2010)
0 3 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Regrounding Finance for Development (September-October 2010)
1 18 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Beyond Coping and Survival: Women and Migration amidst Crisis (July-August 2010)
1 43 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Annual Report 2009
1 78 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
Can We End Poverty 2015? (May-June 2010)
0 3 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019
Food & Climate: Of Sovereignty and Development (March-April 2010)
1 18 downloads
EDM Materials November 25, 2019