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- Create Date June 7, 2016
- Last Updated February 18, 2020
Democracy Founded on People’s Sovereignty
IBON International’s Rights-based Democracy or People-powered Democracy (RBD/PPD) framework upholds people’s sovereignty, enabling people to claim their rights and hold duty-bearers accountable, as well as self-organise and self-mobilise as development actors in their own right. Given historical and structural inequalities, persistent injustice, and social exclusion that violate people’s rights and undermine true democracy, RBD/PPD necessarily goes beyond electoral participation and political representation in governance. It entails people’s direct participation in and benefit from all aspects of governance. It also means openness to redefining boundaries of democratic practice and institutional politics towards reconstructing or overhauling governance institutions for the expansion of effective citizen participation and representation that is constant and renewing/rotational. It entails making governance institutions, mechanisms and processes premised on people’s sovereignty, sovereign will and participation. It also entails making said institutions fully accountable and responsive to the needs of people, especially the poor, vulnerable and marginalised.