CSO strategy meeting on the Right to Water: challenges and imperatives for Rio+20 and beyond

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Hanoi, Vietnam 
10 June 2012
Twenty years after Rio 1992, we are nowhere near the future that we want with respect to universal access to water. And our collective future is threatened with the further commercialization of nature.  Join Water for the People Network and IBON International in a strategy session on the right to water and sustainability towards Rio+20 and beyond in Hanoi, Vietnam on June 10, 2012. 
The main objectives of this meeting are:
  • To provide an overview of the current state of play in Rio+20, key points of contention in the draft outcome document, and overall critique of the Green Economy architecture from the perspective of Asian CSOs with an advocacy on water;
  • To map out ongoing campaign initiatives and strategies towards Rio+20 and beyond on water and identify possible areas of cooperation; and
  • To determine a clear message that Asian CSOs will bring to Rio+20 in line with the right to water and sustainability and find ways to effectively communicate this inside and outside the official process.
It has been 20 years since the world’s leaders met in Rio de Janeiro for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. But the world finds itself very far off track in realizing the vision of Rio. What is currently being negotiated on is an agreement on the Green Economy model, which is premised on the commodification of nature and ‘ecosystem services.’ Nature is now being viewed as a frontier for capital investment, and the Rio negotiations are being used to put a price tag on our water, air, land, and forests.
The threats to our water are unprecedented and we have to strengthen our collective struggle towards the principles of water justice and the realization of the Human Right to Water and Sanitation. We clearly have a lot of work to do to come to a consensus and framework to propose a positive solution to the immense challenges we face.
This strategy session shall gather civil society organizations and people’s movements in Asia and the Pacific who must call on their governments and multilateral bodies at the global and regional levels to uphold and pursue the principles and framework of sustainable development that give primacy to human rights, equity, democracy and social and environmental justice in the discussions towards Rio+20 and beyond.
For information on how you can participate in the strategy session, please get in touch with Levi Francisco of IBON International at lfrancisco@iboninternational.org and please visit www.iboninternational.org for updates.
The future we want is something that we must claim for ourselves and the generations to come.
CSO strategy meeting on the Right to Water: challenges and imperatives for Rio+20 and beyond


9.00- 9.15
   Welcome and Introductions
Background and objectives of strategy meeting
9.15- 10.00
Session 1:
Rio+20,Green Economy and corporate agenda on water
Critique of Rio+20 and Green Economy, implications for water  justice
Session 2:
Ongoing Initiatives and campaigns for water rights and justice
  • Sharing on different advocacy initiatives: official negotiations on Rio+20, FAME, Cupola dos Povos
  • Sharing on local/national campaigns on water 
Coffee/Tea break
Session 3:
Break out groups
Strategy and planning for advocacy and campaigns on water for Rio+20
12.00 -1.00
Session 4:
Right to Water module presentation
Presentation of and discussion on updated Right to Water module
1.00-2.00 Lunch break  
2.00 – 3.30
Session 5:
Break out groups
Focused group discussions on Human right to water modules (critiquing and validation)
3.30- 4.30
Report back on FGDs
4.30- 4.45 Coffee/Tea break  
4.45- 5.30
Summary and ways forward
Strategy and planning for advocacy and campaigns for better coordination of different groups in the water justice movement