Publications & Other Resources

IBON International regularly generates publications such as primers, policy papers and positions, and other information products as a major contribution to knowledge building and raising awareness on contemporary development issues, especially in major areas of IBON’s advocacy.

Our publications, and other information resources as well, are regularly posted here, either as files for readers to browse through or download directly or as embedded links to other sites where they are also available.

Annual Report 2022
1 75 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 5, 2024
Strategic Plan 2021-2025: Midterm Review Adjustments
1 5 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan July 2, 2024
Annual Report 2021
2 252 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan September 16, 2022
Annual Report 2020
1 307 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan December 19, 2021
Strategic Plan 2021 - 2025 Advancing People-Powered Democracy
1 269 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 10, 2021
Annual Report 2019
1 467 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan December 12, 2020
Enhancing the Implementation of the IBON International Strategic Plan 2016-2020
1 106 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
Annual Report 2018
1 150 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan March 13, 2020
Annual Report 2017
1 83 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
Annual Report 2016
1 66 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
1 59 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
IBON International Strategic Plan 2016-2020
1 183 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan August 24, 2020
Annual Report 2014
2 63 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
Annual Report 2013
1 56 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
Annual Report 2011
1 50 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
Annual Report 2010
1 58 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020
Annual Report 2009
1 66 downloads
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan February 18, 2020