Publications & Other Resources

IBON International regularly generates publications such as primers, policy papers and positions, and other information products as a major contribution to knowledge building and raising awareness on contemporary development issues, especially in major areas of IBON’s advocacy.

Our publications, and other information resources as well, are regularly posted here, either as files for readers to browse through or download directly or as embedded links to other sites where they are also available.

From the Ground Up: Building Collective Strength, Fighting for Climate Justice
1 264 downloads
Books March 29, 2023
Trajectories of Climate Justice: Charting the Path of People-Powered Climate Action
1 962 downloads
Books April 27, 2023
Climate Justice Advocacy Toolkit
1 375 downloads
Books December 20, 2022
Confronting the Climate Crisis: People-Powered Climate Actions from the Global South
1 281 downloads
Books December 20, 2022
Spreading State Terror under the pandemic and Terror Law
1 815 downloads
Books March 2, 2021
UPDATED / A Quick Guide on Security for Human Rights Defenders
1 799 downloads
Books February 26, 2021
Rights for Sustainability: Community-led Practices on People-Powered Consumption and Production
1 688 downloads
Books April 22, 2020
A Quick Guide on Security for Human Rights Defenders
1 547 downloads
Books March 4, 2020
Repression & Impunity: Continuing attacks on people’s rights in the Philippines
1 410 downloads
Books February 18, 2020
People-powered sustainable consumption: A visioning & mapping study
1 479 downloads
Books May 4, 2020
Duterte Killings Continue: State Terror and Human Rights in the Philippines
1 393 downloads
Books February 18, 2020
State Terror and Tyranny in the Philippines
1 455 downloads
Books February 18, 2020
Stacking Up the Odds: Reflections on Climate Action
1 319 downloads
Books February 18, 2020
Asserting and Defending People’s Rights, Exercising People’s Sovereignty
1 355 downloads
Books February 18, 2020