Publications & Other Resources

IBON International regularly generates publications such as primers, policy papers and positions, and other information products as a major contribution to knowledge building and raising awareness on contemporary development issues, especially in major areas of IBON’s advocacy.

Our publications, and other information resources as well, are regularly posted here, either as files for readers to browse through or download directly or as embedded links to other sites where they are also available.

IPE Journals (October 2019)
1 238 downloads
IPE Materials February 18, 2020
Bicentenary of Karl Marx
1 132 downloads
IPE Materials February 18, 2020
Lenin’s ‘Imperialism’ in the 21st Century
3 1440 downloads
IPE Materials February 18, 2020
IPE Journals (December 2017)
1 68 downloads
IPE Materials February 18, 2020
IPE Journals (August 2011)
1 162 downloads
IPE Materials February 18, 2020