Publications & Other Resources

IBON International regularly generates publications such as primers, policy papers and positions, and other information products as a major contribution to knowledge building and raising awareness on contemporary development issues, especially in major areas of IBON’s advocacy.

Our publications, and other information resources as well, are regularly posted here, either as files for readers to browse through or download directly or as embedded links to other sites where they are also available.

Decoding the World Bank’s SPLIT Project in the Philippines: Resisting Agrarian Injustice
1 100 downloads
Primers December 13, 2023
Decolonize to Decarbonize: Our Call to Action for Climate Justice at COP28
1 65 downloads
Primers November 23, 2023
Primer on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity
1 227 downloads
Primers December 12, 2023
The IMF-WBG’s crisis response, responsibility for crises
1 268 downloads
Primers October 15, 2022
WTO “Reform” in an Anti-Development Direction: Entrenching Corporate Control of the Global Economy
1 431 downloads
Primers June 14, 2022
Scramble for Africa: A Campaign Primer on the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement
2 961 downloads
Primers May 17, 2022
The IMF-WBG: A blight on people’s economic plight amid crises
1 382 downloads
Primers October 3, 2021
IBON Primer on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
1 366 downloads
Primers September 6, 2022
[People Over Profit] Primers on Free Trade Agreements: RCEP, TPPA and EPAs
0 117 downloads
Primers April 30, 2020
IBON Primer on 21st Century Free Trade Agreements
1 237 downloads
Primers April 30, 2020
IBON Primer on South-South Cooperation
3 155 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on a New Climate Protocol
3 292 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on a New Climate Protocol
2 111 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on System Change
3 277 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
Primer on the Climate Crisis: Roots and Solutions
2 241 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on the WTO ‘Bali Package’
1 162 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on Food Sovereignty and the Food Crisis
2 235 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
Primer on Climate Change
1 231 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
Primer on ODA and Development Effectiveness
1 123 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
Primer on Aid and Development Effectiveness: At a Crossroads at Busan?
2 239 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on Climate Finance
1 146 downloads
Primers February 18, 2020
IBON Primer on the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20)
1 132 downloads
Primers February 19, 2020
Primer on Development and Aid Effectiveness
1 167 downloads
Primers February 19, 2020
The Private Sector in Development: Privatization of Development cooperation?
2 166 downloads
Primers February 19, 2020
Primer on The G-20: Boon or Bane?
1 202 downloads
Primers October 19, 2022
Primer on the Development Effectiveness of Civil Society Organizations
1 109 downloads
Primers November 25, 2019