IBON CJ partners in Senegal hold successful training on agriculture and climate change adaptation

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Farmers Organization Capacity Building Workshop
Training on Agriculture and Climate change adaptation
26 to 29 May 2015
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The Conseil National de Concertation et de Coopération des Ruraux (CNCR) in partnership with the Center AGRHYMET/CILSS and IBON International organized a training workshop on agriculture and climate change adaptation for peasant leaders and civil society from 26 to 29 May 2015.
The training grouped 30 participants coming from the following organizations: 
  • National Council of Dialogue and Cooperation of the Countrymen 
  • Senegalese Association for the Promotion of the Development on the Base 
  • National Federation of the Groupings of Feminine Promotion 
  • IBON International in SENEGAL to represent by ARCH
  • Federation of the Self-managed Perimeters
  • FENAGIE Fishing
  • Directory of the Women in Breeding of Senegal I
  • Center of Ecological Follow-up
  • Oceanographic Research center Of Thiaroye
  • The Ministry of Agriculture and the rural equipment of Senegal
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  • Inform the actors of the rural world ( peasant leaders) and the civil society about the process of negotiation on the Climate; 
  • Train the producers on the links between the Agriculture and Climate change;
  • Train the peasant organizations and the civil society actors on the techniques on adaptation of Agriculture to the phenomena of climate change; and
  • Inform the farmers and the actors of the civil society of the opportunities which offers climate change. 
The training was assured by the experts of the Center AGRHYMET, the Center of Ecological Follow-up, the National Institute of Pedology and the Oceanographic Research center of Thiaroye.
Themes approached during the 4 days of training are:
  • Links between Climate change and the Development (Agriculture, food safety, poverty, flood);
  • The international negotiations on the Climate;
  • The Techniques of Sustainable managements of Earth in connection with climate change;
  • Innovative Techniques: combination of technique of GDT, system of culture of cereal, legumes and intensive rice growing;
  • Management of the agricultural water in context of climate change;
  • Put on the scale of the sustainable management of lands and perspectives regarding detention of carbon;
  • Breeding and climate change in Senegal;
  • Fishing and climate change (impacts on the halieutic resources and the erosion).