Pushing the Boundaries of Official Development Assistance: Challenges and Opportunities

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Side Event during the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up (FfD Forum)

Pushing the Boundaries of Official Development Assistance: Challenges and Opportunities

Tuesday, 23 May, 6.30‐8.00 pm 
Conference Room 7, United Nations Headquarters
New York City  

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This event will seek to provide a forum for all actors to engage and contribute to the modernisation of ODA with a particular focus on blended finance. 

It is clear that aid will be used in more strategic or catalytic ways with increased focused on leveraging aid to blend with private investment or to serve the dual purpose of supporting development as well as donors own national and security interests. These changes are creating new opportunities but also carry risks.

The process of redefining ODA was kicked off in the OECD Development Assistance Committee but  broadened in the Addis Ababa FfD negotiations with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) committing donors to ensuring that this process is both transparent and inclusive of the broadest range of development stakeholders. The ECOSOC FfD Forum in New York provides an obvious opportunity to engage the diversity of development actors in this process and deliver on that promise.


Pierre Habbard, Senior Policy Advisor, TUAC

Jorge Moreira da Silva, Director, OECD Development Co-operation Directorate

Shari Spiegel, Chief of Branch, UN ECOSOC FfD Office

Dr. Fanwell K. Bokosi, Executive Director, AFRODAD

Ana Gallo-Alvarez, Team Leader Financing for Development, Directorate-General International Co-operation and Development, European Commission

Facilitating Organisations

UK Aid Network


IBON International

European Network on Debt and Development