[FORUM] Nature-based Solutions or Corporate Collusions?

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Nature-based Solutions or Corporate Collusions?
A hybrid side event at UNEA 5.2
March 01, 2022, 3:30 PM (GMT + 3)
Zoom Registration Link: bit.ly/UNEANbS


Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) is getting increased traction in intergovernmental platforms as well as policy discourse. The European Union (EU) has also proposed to table a resolution on “Nature-Based Solutions to Support Sustainable Development” in UNEA 5.2. NbS is also increasingly creeping in the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UN CBD), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN FCCC), and Agenda 2030. It is being presented as a silver bullet to address climate mitigation and adaptation and rapid biodiversity loss and is claimed to present several co-benefits to deal with societal challenges. Focus on and investment in nature, ecosystems-based adaptation, and agroecological approaches is welcome. However, the way nature-based solutions is being pushed and the way it’s being promised as one “stop solution for all ills,” raises apprehension and several questions.

The Event

The side event will discuss the latest development in the discourse on nature-based solutions and corporate capture as well as how people are fighting back to get their rights and knowledge recognized. The event will also suggest how UNEA can take this discourse in the direction which helps fight the triple planetary crisis of climate, biodiversity loss, and pollution. #