News & Updates

PCFS spearheads SEA consultation on agricultural investment

JAKARTA, Indonesia – The People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty (PCFS) organized the first Southeast Asia Civil Society Mechanism Consultation (CSM) on the Developments of Principles for Agricultural Investment, VG on Land and other priority CFS issues last May 23-25. The event was made possible by the efforts and initiatives of six regional organizations within the CSM Southeast Asia Working Group (CSM SEA SG). PCFS managed to induct new members and networks coming from Mongolia, Pakistan, India, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines to the consultation.

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PCFS breakthroughs in LatAm and the Caribbean

VALPARAISO, Chile—An international conference on Women on Small-Scale Fisheries was held last June 5-7 composed of delegations from Costa Rica, Brazil, Nicaragua, Peru, Honduras, Salvador, and parts of Chile. The event was organized by the National Confederation of Artisanal Fishermen of Chile (CONAPACH) to discuss issues faced by artisanal fisherfolk and the national fishing law in Chile. Other matters also included in the discussion were issues concerning the Voluntary Guidelines for Small-Scale Fisherfolk of FAO and the discrimination on women’s work in the sea.

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People's Goals Campaign: New global goals must uphold farmers' rights, food sovereignty

As the intergovernmental Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) meets this week in New York to discuss food security, nutrition, sustainable agriculture, desertification and land degradation, the Campaign on People’s Goals for Sustainable Development calls the OWG’s attention to the alarming impacts of neoliberal policies on agriculture and on peoples’ food sovereignty.

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People’s Goals Campaign: New global goals must uphold farmers’ rights, food sovereignty

As the intergovernmental Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) meets this week in New York to discuss food security, nutrition, sustainable agriculture, desertification and land degradation, the Campaign on People’s Goals for Sustainable Development calls the OWG’s attention to the alarming impacts of neoliberal policies on agriculture and on peoples’ food sovereignty.

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ADB and the ‘Development through Empowerment’ delusion

Asia has achieved remarkable economic growth, but is leaving hundreds of millions still mired in poverty, thus causing a widening gap between rich and poor and undermining the basis of growth itself. The Asian Development Bank is moving to address this worsening poverty and inequality through its core agenda “Development through Empowerment.” Underlying this agenda, however, remains the ADB’s market fundamentalism and a spin on “good governance” that remains anchored on private sector dominance, and which perpetuates the same policy imperatives that violate the basic human rights of poor people in the region.

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Indigenous groups move to join CSO Platform for Dev’t Effectiveness

Indigenous groups from various countries have decided to take the first steps towards joining the CSO Platform for Development Effectiveness (CPDE). Gathered recently in Baguio City, Philippines for an international workshop on aid and development effectiveness, delegates from indigenous groups and advocates worldwide expressed their intent to participate “as a peoples’ movement” in the CPDE, and “to collect the historical debt due us.”

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Campaign for People’s Goals toolkit now available

This toolkit is a contribution by the Campaign for People’s Goals to organizations seeking to participate and build campaigns around the process to define post-2015 global development goals. It is a resource designed for organizations working closely with poor and marginalized communities for real, substantive and sustainable solutions.

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Give grassroots groups a say in development

An op-ed article written by IBON International/Campaign for People’s Goals on Sustainable Development has been published in the Guardian. The article challenges the status quo of the post-2015 development agenda, in which civil society’s meaningful participation is at risk.

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IBON forum: Worsening global crises, social unrest in 2013

“Even the United Nations now sees the risk of a synchronized global economic downturn in 2013-2014.” This was one of the more interesting messages presented at a recent forum on international trends and prospects at the College of Mass Communications Auditorium, University of the Philippines Diliman.

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