News & Updates

Key issues lost in ‘Loss and Damage’ talks

It has become obvious that the continued lack of mitigation ambition and inadequate resources to implement adaptation actions are causing increasing suffering and significant loss and damages of assets and properties in poor and vulnerable countries. M. Shamsuddoha, Chief Executive of the Center for Participatory Research and Development (CPRD), reports on the state of expected COP-18 deliverables on “loss and damage”.

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IBON International Update #3 from Doha COP18

The Subsidiary Body for Implementation chair circulated a draft text on the SBI agenda item on “loss and damage” (from climate change) for further discussion and negotiation by country Parties. Country Parties agreed to continue their work on the text while they expressed their concern on few specific paragraphs.

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IBON International Update #2 from Doha COP18

Four main items were discussed at today’s meeting of the Contact Group on Finance, i.e., general statements on the report on the work programme on Long Term Finance, the report of the Standing Committee, report on the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and initial guidelines; and on the arrangements between the Conference of Parties and the GCF.

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IBON International Update #1 from Doha COP18

The UNFCCC COP-18 opened this week in Qatar. More pressure than ever before rests on this COP process ending with a meaningful outcome characterized by developed country ambition in achieving emissions reductions, equity between developed and developing countries in emission reductions and climate financing, and legally binding commitments on all of these.

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CSOs, social movements unite for sustainable dev't goals

Civil society organizations and social movements from the global South have banded together and pledged to Campaign for People’s Goals for Sustainable Development. The CPGSD common statement urged governments to abandon the current development model that grants rights and liberties to capital over the rights and freedoms of people and the protection of the environment, and vowed to fight for a new development framework that is founded on the principles of human rights, equality, self-determination, and social, gender and ecological justice.

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CSOs, social movements unite for sustainable dev’t goals

Civil society organizations and social movements from the global South have banded together and pledged to Campaign for People’s Goals for Sustainable Development. The CPGSD common statement urged governments to abandon the current development model that grants rights and liberties to capital over the rights and freedoms of people and the protection of the environment, and vowed to fight for a new development framework that is founded on the principles of human rights, equality, self-determination, and social, gender and ecological justice.

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Nous sommes des associations locales, des syndicats, mouvements sociaux et organisations non-gouvernementales, entres autres, qui se sont engagées a tracer les chemins vers l’avenir que nous désirons – un avenir où le bien commun prend priorité sur les intérêts d’une élite minuscule; où les besoins et les droits de tous sont réalisés; où l’environnement n’est pas sacrifié pour le profit de certains.

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Campaign for People’s Goals for Sustainable Development

We are grassroots organizations, labour unions, social movements, non-governmental organizations and other institutions committed to forging new pathways to the future we want – a future where the common good of all takes precedence over the interests of a tiny elite; where the needs and rights of all people are realized; where the environment is not sacrificed to benefit only the few.

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Campaign for People’s Goals for Sustainable Development

We are grassroots organizations, labour unions, social movements, non-governmental organizations and other institutions committed to forging new pathways to the future we want – a future where the common good of all takes precedence over the interests of a tiny elite; where the needs and rights of all people are realized; where the environment is not sacrificed to benefit only the few.

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