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Nous sommes des associations locales, des syndicats, mouvements sociaux et organisations non-gouvernementales, entres autres, qui se sont engagées a tracer les chemins vers l’avenir que nous désirons – un avenir où le bien commun prend priorité sur les intérêts d’une élite minuscule; où les besoins et les droits de tous sont réalisés; où l’environnement n’est pas sacrifié pour le profit de certains.

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Campaign for People’s Goals for Sustainable Development

We are grassroots organizations, labour unions, social movements, non-governmental organizations and other institutions committed to forging new pathways to the future we want – a future where the common good of all takes precedence over the interests of a tiny elite; where the needs and rights of all people are realized; where the environment is not sacrificed to benefit only the few.

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Campaign for People’s Goals for Sustainable Development

We are grassroots organizations, labour unions, social movements, non-governmental organizations and other institutions committed to forging new pathways to the future we want – a future where the common good of all takes precedence over the interests of a tiny elite; where the needs and rights of all people are realized; where the environment is not sacrificed to benefit only the few.

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IBON International: White Paper 2012

Established 68 years ago, the World Bank (WB) remains one of the world’s largest multilateral development finance institutions with 188 member countries. It has a vast personnel consisting of 9,000 employees and consultants spread around the globe in over 100 offices, and an aid portfolio of $57 billion in 2011.

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IBON International: White Paper 2012

Established 68 years ago, the World Bank (WB) remains one of the world’s largest multilateral development finance institutions with 188 member countries. It has a vast personnel consisting of 9,000 employees and consultants spread around the globe in over 100 offices, and an aid portfolio of $57 billion in 2011.

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WORLD BANK: Sluggish and jobless growth overshadows Tokyo summit

Growing joblessness, financial instability and sluggish growth of the global economy threw long shadows over this year’s annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WB) in Tokyo, Japan. The summit kicked off the official meetings yesterday with a plenary graced by the Crown Prince of Japan. Jennifer del Rosario-Malonzo reports from Tokyo.

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BOOK LAUNCH: Sowing Seeds of Change and Hope

The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN), in partnership with Andra Pradesh Vyavasaya Vruthidarula Union (APVVU) and Asian Peasant Coalition (APC), will launch the book Sowing Seeds of Change and Hope: Farmers Confronting the Food and Climate Crises on October 15, 2012, 3-4 pm at the People’s Sovereignty: Land and Biodiversity at the Jeevan Jyothi, Hyderabad, India.

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Save the Date!

IBON International and Reality of Aid Asia Pacific invite you to a forum on
Results & Sustainability: Rights-based Perspectives at the Civil Society Program of the 2012 IMF & WB Annual Meetings, Tokyo, Japan
10 October 2012, 4.00 – 5.30 pm

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Save the Date!

IBON International and Reality of Aid Asia Pacific invite you to a forum on
Results & Sustainability: Rights-based Perspectives at the Civil Society Program of the 2012 IMF & WB Annual Meetings, Tokyo, Japan
10 October 2012, 4.00 – 5.30 pm

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ADB claims Asia’s 'Green Urbanization' is good, but urban poverty shows otherwise

Last August, ADB released its 2012 Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific with a special chapter on Green Urbanization. In this report, ADB exalts Asia-Pacific’s fast-paced urbanization as compared to other world regions. The report says that, in less than a century, 51% of the region has already been urbanized. This commentary, first posted on the Water for the People Network (W4PN) website, shows that the ADB’s celebratory tone about urban progress does not, so to speak, hold water.

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ADB claims Asia’s ‘Green Urbanization’ is good, but urban poverty shows otherwise

Last August, ADB released its 2012 Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific with a special chapter on Green Urbanization. In this report, ADB exalts Asia-Pacific’s fast-paced urbanization as compared to other world regions. The report says that, in less than a century, 51% of the region has already been urbanized. This commentary, first posted on the Water for the People Network (W4PN) website, shows that the ADB’s celebratory tone about urban progress does not, so to speak, hold water.

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International Conference on Fisheries and Globalization

Antonio Tujan Jr., IBON International Director and Co-Chair of PCFS, delivers his opening remarks at the International Conference on Fisheries and Globalization in Iloilo, Philippines (19–21 September 2012). In his remarks, Tujan stresses the need for small fisherfolk to clearly identify the root causes of their problems, their ‘targets and solutions.’

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Climate: Roundtable 2 tackles twin imperatives of equity and ambition

How to ensure both equity and ambition in cutting emissions, what measures and mechanisms are needed to enable these, and how is it possible to achieve such targets. These are but a few of the questions in today’s discussions at the 2nd Roundtable on Ambition of the Ad-hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform (ADP) where we see a divergence of views by developed and developing countries.

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