News & Updates

CSOs gather for 3rd High-Level Panel meet on post-2015 agenda

CSOs from across the world are gathered in Bali for the third meeting of a UN-convened High-Level Panel which will produce a report on how the Millennium Development Goals should be replaced in 2015. They are hopeful the HLP will produce the bold recommendations needed on the future of international development – or be prepared to live with the dire consequences of its failure, in the face of multiple crises and entrenched poverty and inequality.

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We – the civil society organizations and social movements who have responded to the call of the United Nations General Assembly to participate in the Rio+20 process – feel that is our duty to call the attention of relevant authorities and citizens of the world to a situation that severely threatens the rights of all people and undermines the relevance of the United Nations.

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Rights for Sustainability and Sustainable Development Governance

As part of the Rights for Sustainability (R4S) Initiative, IBON International is inviting all civil society actors and government representatives who will attend the upcoming 13th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF 13) and the twelfth special session of the UNEP Governing Council/ Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC.SS.XII/GMEF) to its Greenroom activity entitled “Rights for Sustainability and Sustainable Development Governance”, which is slated for February 22, at 13.45 to 15.00h.

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Tujan on civil society’s role in Busan outcome document

The is an interview with Antonio Tujan Jr., IBON International Director, Co-Chair of BetterAid and sole civil society representative in the negotiations on the outcome document of the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF4) held in Busan, South Korea in late 2011.

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Civil Society Workshop on Alternatives and Peoples Struggles for Sustainability: Intensifying People’s Struggles in Defense of the Commons

On January 25, around 62 participants from various civil society organizations and social movements from Latin America, Africa, Asia, Middle East and North Africa, and Europe participated in a self-organized side event in Porto Alegre entitled “Civil Society Workshop on Alternatives and Peoples Struggles for Sustainability”.

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Global Civil Society Workshop on the Rio+20

The “Global Civil Society Workshop on the Rio+20 Zero Draft and Rights for Sustainability” was held at the Church Center for the United Nations in New York City last January 24. The workshop was attended by more than 70 participants from various civil society organizations (CSOs) and social movements from around the world. It was organized by IBON International in cooperation with Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN), People’s Coalition for Food Sovereignty (PCFS) and Centre for Environment and Development (CED) with the support of Diakonia – Asia Regional office, Both ENDS and the World Council of Churches (WCC).

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Farmers groups and advocates nix 'climate-smart agriculture'

The World Bank’s so-called triple win solutions of “Climate Smart Agriculture” drew heavy flak at a side event organized yesterday by five major civil society groups at the ongoing 17th Conference of Parties (COP17) meeting of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) here in Durban, South Africa.

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Farmers groups and advocates nix ‘climate-smart agriculture’

The World Bank’s so-called triple win solutions of “Climate Smart Agriculture” drew heavy flak at a side event organized yesterday by five major civil society groups at the ongoing 17th Conference of Parties (COP17) meeting of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) here in Durban, South Africa.

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