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People's Forum: 20 Years of WTO is Enough!

20 years of WTO have been 20 years of opening up the world to transnational corporate plunder and the languishing of billions of people in poverty, landlessness, unemployment, precariousness, and environmental catastrophes. The 10th WTO Ministerial in Nairobi is set to perpetuate the same neoliberal free trade agenda, and more! Corporations and governments are pushing for new rules to strengthen corporate control and reverse the hard-won rights fought for by people through their collective action.

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People’s Forum: 20 Years of WTO is Enough!

20 years of WTO have been 20 years of opening up the world to transnational corporate plunder and the languishing of billions of people in poverty, landlessness, unemployment, precariousness, and environmental catastrophes. The 10th WTO Ministerial in Nairobi is set to perpetuate the same neoliberal free trade agenda, and more! Corporations and governments are pushing for new rules to strengthen corporate control and reverse the hard-won rights fought for by people through their collective action.

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Women Rise for Climate Justice at COP21

Women activists, grassroots leaders, and advocates danced the One Billion Rising at the Climate Action Zone in Paris during the COP21 to demand governments to set emission cut targets that will hold global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius and provide reparations for the climate debt incurred by developed counties because of their unsustainable consumption and production practices.

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