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Equity principle under attack in the Asia-Pacific post-2015 development agenda

Civil society has engaged Asia & Pacific governments in the Asia Pacific Ministerial Dialogue (APMD) to commit to real transformative change. Yet propositions that strongly articulate the need for equity have been stubbornly opposed by the United States and other advanced countries who are not even part of the region but members of UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). The US, United Kingdom, France and other advanced countries were part of the core group that led to the formation of ESCAP as part of post-war reconstruction under the Marshall Plan.

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Asia-Pacific CSO Meet on the post-2015 Process Opens Application

CSO formations and social movements from all over the Asia-Pacific region will meet on the 23rd and 24th of August in Bangkok Thailand to discuss a just development agenda in line with the post-2015 framework. The event aims to develop the capacity of Asia-Pacific civil society groups for a more active participation in forwarding the people’s goals as part of the post-2015 development agenda.

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3rd International Meeting on Agroecology Launched in Brazil

Organized by the Instituto Giramundo Mutuando, a member-organization of the People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty (PCFS), University of the State of Sao Paulo (UNESP) together with UFSCAR and the Movement of Landless Rural Workers, the Third International Meeting on Agroecology was launched last July 31. The organizers expect more than 2,000 participants including students, teachers, and producers in Brazil, Latin America, and other parts of the world.

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Civil society commits to Enabling Environment and Istanbul Principles

Around forty (40) civil society educators, facilitators and trainers gathered in Johannesburg, South Africa on June 25 to 27, 2013 to attend the first Global Training of Trainers (Global ToT) on CSO Development Effectiveness. The Global ToT was among the major activities of the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) through its Working Group on CSO Development Effectiveness (WG on CSO DE)* to reach out and encourage more civil society organizations to look closely into their organization’s praxis as accountable and effective independent development actors. The CPDE is the unified platform coming out from the two civil society processes, post-Busan High Level Forum IV, i.e. the Better Aid (BA) and the Open Forum on CSO Development Effectiveness (OF).

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Indonesian peasants slam land grabs, WTO

Thousands of peasants held a protest action in Jakarta, Indonesia to highlight campaigns on land grabbing, the junking of WTO, and continued hikes in fuel prices. Rahmat Ajiguna, Secretary General of the Alliance of Agrarian Reform Movement/Aliansi Gerakan Reforma Agraria (AGRA), said that the protest is the Indonesian peasantry’s response to oppressive government policies.

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Comment on the post-2015 HLP report

Civil Society groups have responded to the long awaited release of the UN High Level Panel’s report to the UN Secretary General on the post 2015 development framework with disappointment. While the report aspires to eradicate extreme poverty and promote sustainable development it has failed to put forward meaningful recommendations or targets that would challenge the economic systems that fuel inequalities and environmental degradation according to diverse civil society groups from around the world.

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IBON Int'l and the campaign for people's goals

Civil-society organisations (CSOs) deserve more say in global-governance matters. In particular, CSOs from developing countries tend to be marginalised in international affairs. IBON International, a Manila-based international NGO, wants to make a difference. It specialises in capacity building for grassroots movements in the Global South – and has launched a campaign for “People’s goals”.

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IBON Int’l and the campaign for people’s goals

Civil-society organisations (CSOs) deserve more say in global-governance matters. In particular, CSOs from developing countries tend to be marginalised in international affairs. IBON International, a Manila-based international NGO, wants to make a difference. It specialises in capacity building for grassroots movements in the Global South – and has launched a campaign for “People’s goals”.

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