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Not just an agreement, but a just agreement needed

Three days into the 21st Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), negotiations are nearing fever pitch as the December 4 deadline for a revised draft text of the Paris climate agreement looms.

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More ‘hot air’ from Heads of States as Climate Summit opens

Over 130 Heads of State have arrived in Paris in an attempt to sign a new global agreement, amidst high expectations of people all around the world for urgent and meaningful action to respond to the climate crisis. Just over the weekend, the world saw the biggest ever climate marches of almost 1 million people gathering in 175 countries demanding leaders to come to an agreement that is binding, ambitious, durable and just, to replace the Kyoto Protocol and to take effect in 2020. This new climate deal that is yet to be agreed on is quite controversial already in the approach it takes, as it calls on each and every government to say just what and how much it is willing to undertake actions to reduce emissions, provide finance, and adapt to the increasing impacts of climate change.

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Fight Neoliberal Trade, Junk WTO and Advance the People’s Trade Agenda!

Twenty years since its establishment, the World Trade Organization (WTO) remains one of the most important mechanisms used by the global monopoly capital to advance neoliberal trade and concentrate wealth at the hands of the richest one percent. By imposing trade rules that empower transnational corporations (TNCs) from rich countries, the WTO serves to keep the vast majority of countries underdeveloped while a tiny minority accumulates more power and wealth.

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No holds barred: Global peoples surge against imperialist attacks on people and planet

Even as authorities and world leaders try to suppress peoples protest surrounding the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to be held in Paris from November 30 to December 11, 2015, the people are unwavering in their stance for a genuine global climate agreement that reflects the peoples’ aspirations for social transformation and system change that will solve the roots of the climate crisis.

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Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Climate Justice Held

Campaign for Climate Justice Nepal (CCJN), in collaboration with Rural Reconstruction Nepal, South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE) and LDC Watch has organised a half-day “Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Climate Justice” on 22nd November 2015 in Kathmandu.

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Multinationals in West Africa: massive fraud and environmental degradation

In West Africa, tax evasions by multinational corporations are costing billions in local currencies to ECOWAS countries. According to several estimates they exceed international development assistance. So these losses affect government budgets and public spending on basic social services. This, in turn, affects poor and low income families.

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