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COP 20 of UNFCCC is taking place from December 1­ to 12 in Lima, Peru. Expectations are high that this year’s Climate Summit will make significant inroads to bring the Parties to agree on a draft text to be negotiated and agreed on in Paris in 2015, and which will inform the international community’s response to the increasing urgency for climate action. More pressure than ever before rests on this COP ending with a meaningful outcome, and the host government Peru stressed this message at the opening of COP 20 in saying that ‘success in Lima will determine success in Paris.’ But what is really at stake here? What does a ‘successful outcome’ actually mean for the different actors in this intergovernmental process?

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People of the World, Surge Forward for Climate Justice!

In commemoration of the first year of Typhoon Haiyan and to honor all the victims of the global climate crisis, we declare this day, November 8, as International Day for Climate-Affected Communities as we call on all climate-impacted communities and their organizations to unite in demanding justice and system change.

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The Climate Crisis: Shifting the Tides for Climate Justice

IBON International and the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Manila is inviting everyone to a forum entitled, “The Climate Crisis: Shifting the Tides for Climate Justice” on October 28, 2014 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm at the College of Mass Communication Auditorium, University of the Philippines, Diliman. The forum aims to discuss the prospects of the international climate negotiations and the ways forward towards climate justice.

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PCFS launches new edition of book on agrarian reform

A new edition of the book Neoliberal Subversion of Agrarian Reform, first published eight years ago, is now available after its simultaneous double launch in Penang, Malaysia and Yogyakarta, Indonesia on September 25. The book was launched by the People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty (PCFS) together with IBON International and IBON Institute for International Development (I3D) in cooperation with the Pesticide Action Network – Asia Pacific (PAN-AP) and GRAIN-Asia.

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Climate change 'back at the top of the political agenda', but grueling talks remain ahead

The UN Climate Summit, held right after a 400,000-strong People’s Climate March thundered through 80 blocks of New York City streets, appears to have derived extra energy from the gigantic street demonstration. Both events have attracted tremendous media attention worldwide and have certainly combined to “put climate change back at the top of the political agenda”—in the short term. The question remains, however: Will the momentum be sustained and provide enough power to break the deadlock in the climate talks, which has stalled climate action in previous years?

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