News & Updates

Climate change ‘back at the top of the political agenda’, but grueling talks remain ahead

The UN Climate Summit, held right after a 400,000-strong People’s Climate March thundered through 80 blocks of New York City streets, appears to have derived extra energy from the gigantic street demonstration. Both events have attracted tremendous media attention worldwide and have certainly combined to “put climate change back at the top of the political agenda”—in the short term. The question remains, however: Will the momentum be sustained and provide enough power to break the deadlock in the climate talks, which has stalled climate action in previous years?

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No ‘New Deal’ with Climate, Inc.: For a People’s Protocol on Climate Change

IBON International, in solidarity with civil society organisations (CSOs) and people’s movements around the world, take action for climate justice to demand a new Peoples’ Climate Protocol in 2015. We demand a real ‘new deal’ grounded in climate justice, human rights, social equity, and participatory democracy, with a commitment to public financing and major shifts in prevailing economic paradigms to meet sustainable development objectives.

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Open letter on the current Gaza crisis

An open letter dated July 17, 2014 has been drafted by several global civil society formations and representatives based in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), expressing sympathy with the people of Gaza and the rest of the Palestinian people, condemning the unjustified attacks by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on defenseless civilian communities, and calling on the United Nations and its human rights agencies to take urgent steps to safeguard the Gaza communities and uphold its people’s basic human rights and welfare.

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CSOs appeal for robust climate action goals in post-2015 agenda

Nearly 180 civil society organizations (CSO) worldwide appealed recently to a United Nations working group to ensure that climate change action be strongly represented among the goals and targets of the post-2015 development framework, also referred to as Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), now being discussed among UN bodies and processes.

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Brussels protest urges transition to clean energy

More than 220 people joined a mass action in Brussels, Belgium on 20 March to protest the inaction of the European Union states on climate change. IBON International participated in the mass action, which was led by Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE) on the occasion of the EU heads of state meeting on climate and energy targets for 2013.

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CSOs warn vs development ‘exclusively for global elites’

As over 1,500 development leaders gathered in Mexico City for the first High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC), a global civil society platform warned that development must not “remain exclusive for the global elites while ordinary people are denied a life of dignity and justice.” The CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE), the open platform that participates in the GPEDC process, noted that principles for forging and pursuing a common development agenda had been arrived at in past summits, but implementation has been hampered by “lack of political will.”

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Statement on ICESDF's session on innovative initiatives and best practices

The Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing (ICESDF) held an outreach event on April 3-4, 2014 on the role of private sector in sustainable development financing and the opportunities in creating new partnerships. In one of its sessions about innovative initiatives and best practices, IBON International representative Jennifer Del Rosario, delivered a statement.

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Statement on ICESDF’s session on innovative initiatives and best practices

The Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing (ICESDF) held an outreach event on April 3-4, 2014 on the role of private sector in sustainable development financing and the opportunities in creating new partnerships. In one of its sessions about innovative initiatives and best practices, IBON International representative Jennifer Del Rosario, delivered a statement.

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On Sustainable Development Finance

The 2nd Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Finance was held in New York City last March 3, 2014. In its session, IBON International’s representative Paul Quintos delivered his remarks during the event.

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Global accountability — reserved mainly for intergovernmental development cooperation?

As a pillar of the post-2015 agenda, accountability is crucial in delivering a transformative framework for sustainable development, along with the sustainable development goals and the means of implementation. The UN Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) has an important role is shaping the renewed global partnership for development and delivering the global accountability mechanisms that will make sustainable development truly happen.

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Shaping global accountability in development cooperation

How should an accountable and effective development cooperation look like in the new global development agenda that is being shaped? Various actors in the international development community participating in the just concluded High-Level Symposium of the United Nations Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) strived to contribute different, and sometimes conflicting, perspectives in this course-setting event.

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